mercoledì 17 luglio 2013

Mercoledì 17 luglio 2013__Class __ Sausalito


Sausalito è una città della Contea di Marin, in California (Stati Uniti d'America) nelle vicinanze di San Francisco e del Golden Gate Bridge. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale fu un centro molto attivo nella costruzioni di navi, ma col tempo ha perso la sua vocazione industriale per trasformarsi in un'amena località turistica, nonché in una delle zone residenziali più ricche nelle vicinanze di San Francisco. Al censimento del 2000, aveva 7.330 abitanti. La piccola cittadina è famosa per il grande numero di orefici che vi hanno l'attività. È chiamata anche la Portofino d'America



All points lead to the Ferry Building. Located at the northern end of Market Street, the clock tower, modeled after 12th century Giralda bell tower in Seville, Spain, is one of the most prominent points in the city's skyline. Once built as a transit terminal, today the Ferry Building houses one of the city's best farmer's market and many artisanal, delicious food options within it's beautiful interior.
Originally built in 1898, the Ferry Building was second busiest transit terminal in the world. After the Golden Gate Bridge and Bay Bridge were completed in 1937, traffic to the hub sharply declined. Only after the Loma Prieta Earthquake and the Embarcadero Freeway was replaced with the current boulevard, was the great clock tower once again visible in the skyline. Once the full remodel in 2003 was completed and the marketplace was opened, the building returned to it's former glory




Grand Hyatt San Francisco Union Square










e ora dopo cena si CANTA


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